I have been trying to write a program that generates multiple simulations given some evidence. I.e. I want to sample a Bayesian network a number of times given some observations. I know this is possible to do using the GUI (with the "generate cases" button) and generally I think that the API is quite straightforward to use, but this time I have got stuck. It might be the case that I will have to write the entire sampling method myself, in which case I can probably do it, but it feels like it should be possible to do with the "saveCases(...)" method for the domain object straight away. I can however not get it to work and only get "NA" values in my output (like if the values are missing) so I guess I somehow need to set up the "cases" before-hand, but can't figure out how. Does anyone have an idea of what I do wrong or what I am missing?
I have attached my code below and I think it is quite straightforward to understand with the comments.
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import COM.hugin.HAPI.ContinuousChanceNode;
import COM.hugin.HAPI.Domain;
import COM.hugin.HAPI.ExceptionHugin;
public class exampleCase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Domain d;
d = new Domain ();
d.setNodeSize (new Point2D.Double (50, 30));
//set up the basic stucture with a collider over node3
ContinuousChanceNode node1 = new ContinuousChanceNode(d);
node1.setLabel ("node1");
node1.setName ("node1");
node1.setPosition(new Point2D.Double (50, 50));
ContinuousChanceNode node2 = new ContinuousChanceNode(d);
node2.setLabel ("node2");
node2.setName ("node2");
node2.setPosition(new Point2D.Double (150, 50));
ContinuousChanceNode node3 = new ContinuousChanceNode(d);
node3.setLabel ("node3");
node3.setName ("node3");
node3.setPosition(new Point2D.Double (100, 100));
d.compile ();
//set the parameters
node1.setAlpha(0.1, 0); //alpha = intercept
node1.setGamma(10, 0); //variance
node2.setAlpha(0.2, 0); //alpha = intercept
node2.setGamma(10, 0); //variance
node3.setBeta(0.3, node1, 0); //beta = weights
node3.setBeta(0.4, node2, 0);
node3.setGamma(0.5,0); //variance
d.saveAsNet ("example.net");
//So what I want to do is to sample this BN 10 times with the evidence set below.
//Here I can also check that the network is updated correctly (which it is)
System.out.println("Name: "+node1.getName()+" val: "+node1.getMean());
System.out.println("Name: "+node2.getName()+" val: "+node2.getMean());
System.out.println("Name: "+node3.getName()+" val: "+node3.getMean());
//However, for the simulation (sampling)-part I am unsure how to do it .
//If I want to save the evidence of a single case I know I can simply write:
d.saveCase("Single_sample.dat"); //saves the set evidence
//but what if I want to save multiple (10) simulations given the evidence?
//Intuitively I would think that this code would do the trick:
d.saveCases("Multiple_samples.dat", d.getNodes(), null, false, ",", "NA");
//but unfortunately only NA-values are given in the output file
//like if all values are missing. So what do I need more?
//And what do the following methods do? Are they related to the simulation part?
d.newCase(); //is this if I want different evidence in the different cases?
d.enterCase(0); //does this select case 0 for altering the evidence in that case?
d.setCaseCount(0,3); //repeats the case 0 3 times or?
d.adapt(); //Is this related to the simulations?
} catch (ExceptionHugin e) {