I have installed HUGIN software (e.g. Developer or Researcher) as system administrator in MS Windows, and everything seems OK. I can launch HUGIN software under the Administrator login. The program starts, and it seems to work properly.
The problem arises when I try to launch HUGIN software from another user login (without administrator rights). An error message appears: "unable to start with arguments", followed by the message "could not start the application".
Each time HUGIN software is launched the application checks the registration database for valid license information. The installation program stores license information under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This implies that only the user who installs the software is able to launch the software.
If it is strictly necessary to install HUGIN software as one type of user (e.g. Administrator) and run the software as another type of user, then it is necessary to obtain an installation program that stores the license information under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (and a version of HUGIN software that checks this location for valid license information). This will allow all users of the computer to launch the program.