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General Discussion / Re: Instalation with W10
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on May 09, 2016, 13:48:04  »
Sorry for the belated reply.

Please read this:
Sorry for the belated reply.

Please read this:
General Discussion / Hugin whitin matlab
« Last post by MatteoV on May 04, 2016, 16:00:13  »
Hi all,

I have already read the post regarding "How can I use HUGIN in Matlab?" (,233.0.html) but I'd like to ask some tips. Indeed, I'd like to know:

1. How can I build a BBN model within matlab and run it using Hugin? I mean, how can I use hugin in all its powerful tools through Matlab?

2. how the instruction of the api-manual ( can be used in matlab?


General Discussion / No control points even though it is perfect panorama
« Last post by occkerhg on April 30, 2016, 20:57:11  »
Hi panofriends,

I'am almost desperate. With new computer (W8.1) hugin is no longer able to find any control point (in my 26 photos spheres). Even though it is perfectly shot, even though on my old computer the same files are perfectly stitched (just it takes half an hour and here it might take sth. like less than 5 mins).

I tried to use all versions I've found, 2012, 13, 15 and even 2016. But it dosn't find control points with any version.

Any ideas how to solve the problem?


p.s. if I take just one row it stitch everything perfectly. If I try to add the another row, while stitching it writes sth. like:
 i10:  Analyzing image...
An error happened while loading image : caught exception: bad allocation
i11 : Analyzing image...
An error happened while loading image : caught exception: bad allocation
General Discussion / Instalation with W10
« Last post by ersteinmal on April 30, 2016, 18:53:39  »
As I open a Picture I get multiple Errors.
I thing hat the reason is, a wrong Path (c:\Programme\Multimedia\hugin.

I got a similar problem with irfan view. Therefor I had to let install the  .ini files outsiede of the "Prog file" folder. In the way to install only for one User.

Next Step: I installerd hugin into c:\temp\hugin. => No changes.

Thanks for help

HUGIN Training Course Discussion / Re: HUGIN Commandline problemm
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on April 15, 2016, 13:48:11  »
Sorry for the belated reply.

Please read this:
HUGIN Training Course Discussion / HUGIN Commandline problemm
« Last post by Michel on March 08, 2016, 18:44:08  »
I can create 360 degree virtual tour.This my code(PFA). This is not stitching properly sequnce of images. :-\ How to rectify that. :-X
FAQ / Curve representing an outcome function of time as parameter
« Last post by Lambda100 on February 22, 2016, 17:29:38  »
Hi I'm beginner to Hugin. First, I want to get a curve representing an outcome function of time as parameter. Second, how to put a function of time as a probability to be in a state (i.e State1 probability is at+b)?


General Discussion / Re: Is it possible to limit the number of arrows...?
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on November 21, 2015, 14:01:49  »
It is possible to specify a limit on the number of parents for the greedy search-and-score structure learning algorithm.

Alternatively, you can consider using structure restricted models such as, e.g., the tree-augmented naive Bayes model.
General Discussion / Re: Is it possible to limit the number of arrows...?
« Last post by AleGreppi on November 19, 2015, 10:14:12  »
Thank you for the reply.

I was just wondering if during the structure learning process it was possible to simplify the BN by introducing a constraint in order to reduce the number of arrows connecting the nodes.
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