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C# / Re: Expression for Noisy Or
« Last post by Frank Jensen on September 07, 2016, 21:28:03  »
The NoisyOR operator is described in section 6.7.2 of the Hugin API Reference Manual (the "api-manual.pdf" file).

I hope this helps.

C# / Expression for Noisy Or
« Last post by pibar on September 06, 2016, 17:55:31  »
We are trying to construct a model using Noisy-Or expression in the Hugin API for C#. There exist a class called NoisyOrDistribution but we have trouble constructing an expression for NoisyOr. The documentation includes expressions for AddExpression but not for NoisyOr.

Can someone give us a hint?


C / Re: structure learning
« Last post by Frank Jensen on August 29, 2016, 16:26:02  »
The only thing missing from your code is the specification of the states of the nodes.  You need to specify the number of states and the labels (names) of the states, assuming labeled states.  If the states represent numbers or (numeric) intervals, then state values must be specified.

For example, in the "asia" example, the nodes are binary (2 states) with labels "yes" and "no".  The labels must match exactly the labels used in the data file (that is, "yes", "Yes", and "YES" are all diffent).

I hope this helps.

C / structure learning
« Last post by Olivia Mahaux on August 26, 2016, 10:36:05  »

I am trying to code in C a way load cases and perform structure and EM learning to build a domain from scratch. While I could code the EM learning part for an existing domain, the structure learning part from a dataset is more tricky.
From my reading of the API manual this si the sequence I could understand and I wanted to use:
h_domain_new_node (for all nodes of the domain)
h_domain_parse_case /*here it is bugging, is there anything else that is required before we are able to parse cases and store in the domain?*/
h_domain_learn_structure  (h_domain_set_log_file known how the PC algorithm worked + facultative h_constraint_...)
h_node_get_experience_table (for all nodes of the domain)     

Could you please confirm if this would be the right sequence of codes to use?
I am not very advanced yet and still need to improve my error handler however with a very simple one I get the following error message when trying to parse the cases to the domain "An error occurred during parsing.  If a parse error handling function was specified, it will have been called with a description of the error and its location in the source." so I known it didn't work and didn't parse the cases, any idea why? is there anything else required I forgot (code below)?
The easier would be if you could share an example of building a domain from scratch with parsing cases and structure learning (there were some examples received from installation of the software but none on this topic). Could you please share this example or something close to it?  Thanks a lot in advance

(defparameter null-pointer (cffi:null-pointer))
(defparameter pointer (cffi:inc-pointer null-pointer 1))

(defparameter domain (h_new_domain))
(defparameter newnode (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode "E")
(h_node_get_name newnode)

(defparameter newnode1 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode1 "T")
(defparameter newnode2 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode2 "L")
(defparameter newnode3 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode3 "S")
(defparameter newnode4 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode4 "A")
(defparameter newnode5 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode5 "D")
(defparameter newnode6 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode6 "B")
(defparameter newnode7 (h_domain_new_node domain :h_category_chance :h_kind_discrete))
(h_node_set_name newnode7 "X")

(h_domain_parse_cases domain "U:\\Data\\Bayesian network\\Course Examples and Exercises\\datasets\\asia_005.dat"
(cffi:null-pointer) (cffi:null-pointer))

(h_error_description (h_error_code))
General Discussion / Exponential distribution and non-deterministic event
« Last post by Lambda100 on August 15, 2016, 19:39:43  »
Hi everyone,

I want to model an exponentioal distribution of an event and non-deterministic event. How can I do this using Dynamic BN? and should I fill the probabilities manually for every node corresponding to every moment (15 moments) ???. Is there any alternative for that using continuous BN or something else?

Kind regards.
Hej Hugin!
Findes der gode restauranter i Brovst i nærheden af stranden?
Ud over Svinkløv Badehotel?


Morten Aagaard
General Discussion / Re: Instalation with W10
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on May 19, 2016, 10:38:20  »
Did you actually read this:

Our HUGIN is a tool for probabilistic graphical models  (see and does not support such operations.

Perhaps you are looking for the open source Panorama photo stitcher (with which we are not affiliated)

There is a mailing list for this and similar programs at:
General Discussion / Re: Instalation with W10
« Last post by ersteinmal on May 16, 2016, 09:35:34  »
On the Mailing List I have to lock in with google. No, I do not like to offer Google my telefon No etc. no, never, no, no .

But thank You for help


General Discussion / Re: Hugin whitin matlab
« Last post by MatteoV on May 09, 2016, 15:20:53  »

thanks for your reply.

Yes, I was able to run all the forum's examples. However, my question was wider than that, for example I'd like to know how the different classes of the Matlab assembly can be used and how call the different Hugin functions. Do any tutorials exist?

General Discussion / Re: Hugin whitin matlab
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on May 09, 2016, 13:54:41  »

Were you able to run the example from the post This example shows how to interact with the HUGIN Decision Engine using a few functions of the HUGIN API. In the same way you should be able to use any other function from the HUGIN API.

There are a number of code examples included in the installation of HUGIN. Take a look in the Test folder.

Hope this helps.
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