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Are you aware that our HUGIN is a tool for probabilistic graphical models?

Best regards
Hoping to get suggestions on how to properly render 1 (one) image of a very large land area by merging multiple images from a drone during a programmed mission.

Land area is 3,000 ft x 3,500 ft
I don't want to use a 180 or 360 Panorama; looking to render a 2D flat image
Drone Type: DJI Phantom 4 Pro
Drone Altitude: 400 feet above ground level
Flight path is left to right, parallel to base of rectangle
Camera points toward land area, perpendicular to flight path (see diagram)
Camera points 10 degrees below the horizon
Camera specifications: "FOV 84° 8.8 mm/24 mm (35 mm format equivalent) f/2.8 - f/11 auto focus at 1 m - ∞" (see:

My intentions are to fly in a direction parallel to the base of the land area (see diagram), with the drone camera perpendicular to the direction of flight, using all images that have captured at least a portion of the land area to render a flat, 2D image of the entire land area.

Questions: 1) Am I on the right track? 2) What is the recommended workflow to render a merged image that by all appearances seem to only be one image depicting the entire land area?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts...

General Discussion / Re: How to show panoramas on a web site
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on February 16, 2017, 20:04:39  »
Are you aware that our HUGIN is a tool for probabilistic graphical models?
General Discussion / Re: File exchange between Hugin and Netica
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on February 16, 2017, 20:03:32  »
Hi Marco,

No, unfortunately, I do not know of any conversion tool. How many and how complex are the models you need to convert? I'm assuming you are converting from Netica to HUGIN.

Best regards
General Discussion / How to show panoramas on a web site
« Last post by pegefounder on February 08, 2017, 21:06:10  »
Ich verwendete ab 2000 PixAround Panorama Software.
Bei PixAround gab es ein Java  Applet um diese Bilder auf der Webseite als Panorama zu zeigen.

Leider gibt es die Firma nicht mehr und das Java Applet wird von aktuellen Browsern blockiert.

Einbindung war mit ein paar Parametern, hier ein Beispiel:

<applet code=uPixScreen.class archive=./uPixScreen.jar width=600 height=300>
<param name=url value=auto-2002-barcelona-tibidabo.jpg>
<param name=autoPan value=yes>
<param name=startYaw value=0>
<param name=startPitch value=0>
<param name=startFov value=180>
<param name=horFov value=160>
<param name=autoPanSpeed value=11>
<param name=autoPanDelay value=10>
<param name=hq value=1>

Was wäre das beste Replacement für dieses nicht mehr funktionierende Java Applet?
General Discussion / Re: File exchange between Hugin and Netica
« Last post by MarcoGV on February 06, 2017, 22:42:53  »
Hi Anders,

I wonder whether you know of a conversion tool; maybe someone posted one since you answered the original post?

Best regards,


Hi Jerry,

We do not have a tool for converting network specifications between HUGIN format and Netica format.

One option would be to write a simple convertion program using, e.g., Perl or a similar language. I do not think you will be able to make a one-to-one mapping as HUGIN has structures which are not supported by Netica (e.g., Function and Continuous nodes).

You can find a detailed documentation of the HUGIN Network File format in the HUGIN API reference manual chapter 12.

I'm sorry not to be of more help.
General Discussion / enblend misses 1 or 2 images (Hugin 2016.2.0, Enblend 4.2)
« Last post by klausmayer on October 30, 2016, 00:12:38  »
Does anybody have an idea why Enblend sometimes misses 1 or 2 images and leaves a hole in sphericals?

I find that if I use Numerical Transform to shift yaw, Enblend either picks up the image or loses another 1 or 2 images at a different location.

At times there are no masks in the missing image, other times there may be a small part masked out.

No error messages in the logfile. No warning messages for the missing image. The builtin blender seems to work but I seem to get some miscolouration at some spots.
HUGIN GUI Discussion / Hugin never completes stitching scanned images
« Last post by cscj01 on October 26, 2016, 03:13:07  »
I run Ubuntu 14.04.5 x64 and Hugin 2013.0.0.4692917e7a55.  I have used Hugin in the past for both panorama stitching and scanned images stitching. Those went very well, and I had no problems.  This is the first time I have needed to stitch scanned images in quite a while; several years in fact.  After setting my control points for two images, making sure I used a new lens for the second image, setting my Geometric to Custom Parameters, and setting Yaw(y) and Pitch(p) to Unselect all and then setting Select all on X(TrX), Y(TrY), and Z(TrZ), I select Optimize now!  The process never ends.  The Status stays at In progress.  Any ideas? Here are my pto and mk files:

Code: [Select]
# hugin project file
#hugin_ptoversion 2
p f0 w3000 h1500 v179  E0 R0 n"TIFF_m c:LZW r:CROP"
m g1 i0 f0 m2 p0.00784314

# image lines
#-hugin  cropFactor=1
i w5072 h7019 f0 v10 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev0 Er1 Eb1 r-0.586298920062119 p0 y0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"Third Grade A.tiff"
#-hugin  cropFactor=1
i w5072 h7019 f0 v10 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev0 Er1 Eb1 r-0.590843241264606 p0 y0 TrX0.0105025298423192 TrY-0.000116107480535127 TrZ-0.000180875690637593 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"Third Grade B.tiff"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v Ra0
v Rb0
v Rc0
v Rd0
v Re0
v r0
v Vb0
v Vc0
v Vd0
v Ra1
v Rb1
v Rc1
v Rd1
v Re1
v Eev1
v r1
v TrX1
v TrY1
v TrZ1
v Vb1
v Vc1
v Vd1

# control points
c n0 N1 x1130.48267595146 y1060.84590596069 X825.28299792536 Y1061.14234155519 t0
c n0 N1 x875.302600198273 y3385.1700941552 X570.143325691862 Y3385.18278280495 t0
c n0 N1 x520.646586162045 y4249.77746738541 X215.993669244698 Y4249.793049119 t0
c n0 N1 x585.004154080371 y5548.7846655286 X280.176936057596 Y5548.85943508832 t0
c n0 N1 x2001.16453367208 y1157.30289499553 X1695.75064738795 Y1157.27630932881 t0
c n0 N1 x1550.50997449398 y2366.96117249944 X1245.45275726399 Y2366.96049460004 t0
c n0 N1 x1491.77767668807 y3484.98776489493 X1186.83082355137 Y3485.16181007325 t0
c n0 N1 x2125.26946532143 y4400.28513609085 X1820.19637996851 Y4400.46954987474 t0
c n0 N1 x2069.54060714834 y5662.35180755033 X1764.74383912734 Y5662.50323055802 t0
c n0 N1 x2599.61968873357 y1114.11906922585 X2294.14595728226 Y1114.16811343186 t0
c n0 N1 x2525.88667262501 y2359.7600629828 X2221.23514582572 Y2359.50627157256 t0
c n0 N1 x3039.08216513027 y4184.42724306856 X2735.15717313856 Y4184.23954518087 t0
c n0 N1 x2337.72089240566 y5449.85575450776 X2032.30086003329 Y5449.94252490493 t0
c n0 N1 x3104.76620956638 y5645.90947473374 X2800.0050689753 Y5646.14783878587 t0
c n0 N1 x3901.75248650255 y1128.7846210803 X3597.63850821259 Y1129.1037722561 t0
c n0 N1 x3980.06450893563 y2141.82066773252 X3676.65725691113 Y2142.26387788399 t0
c n0 N1 x4096.20182025813 y3081.31068413695 X3793.54402897923 Y3081.947069904 t0
c n0 N1 x3460.64142223116 y5645.64850241506 X3156.36035158306 Y5646.48946551915 t0
c n0 N1 x4643.3343272322 y678.132365564319 X4339.01727540245 Y678.656234049297 t0
c n0 N1 x4275.88099016848 y2266.33509348478 X3972.0215596607 Y2266.57750551184 t0
c n0 N1 x4229.71115758969 y4182.10863483277 X3926.56581611178 Y4182.57849561055 t0
c n0 N1 x4118.9132860669 y4250.247102017 X3815.72677676623 Y4250.49995193659 t0
c n0 N0 x785.250625 y2566.321875 X785.250625 Y3031.330625 t1
c n0 N0 x3562.1425 y3649.88 X3562.1425 Y4106.115 t1
c n0 N0 x4601.831875 y2640.89875 X4588.67125 Y3241.900625 t1
c n0 N0 x1403.8 y508.8775 X1390.639375 Y1171.295625 t1
c n0 N0 x960.725625 y5856.478125 X973.88625 Y6343.42125 t1
c n1 N1 x1855.648125 y324.62875 X1824.94 Y758.929375 t1
c n1 N1 x631.71 y2785.665625 X640.48375 Y3272.60875 t1
c n0 N0 x4813.35679214403 y3905.82651391162 X4812.9686298928 Y3906.01196712892 t2
c n0 N0 x4836.33224222586 y5123.52536824877 X4835.99237777026 Y5123.99500028276 t1
c n0 N0 x4836.33224222586 y6226.34697217676 X4835.9923218636 Y6226.01117888453 t1
c n0 N0 x4744.43044189853 y643.312602291326 X4744.02260642574 Y642.977471947476 t1
c n0 N0 x4813.35679214403 y1596.7937806874 X4812.98018834607 Y1597.00006939554 t1

#hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0
#hugin_blender enblend
#hugin_remapper nona
#hugin_hdrmergeOptions -m avg -c
#hugin_outputLDRBlended true
#hugin_outputLDRLayers false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false
#hugin_outputLDRStacks false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureLayersFused false
#hugin_outputHDRBlended false
#hugin_outputHDRLayers false
#hugin_outputHDRStacks false
#hugin_outputLayersCompression LZW
#hugin_outputImageType tif
#hugin_outputImageTypeCompression LZW
#hugin_outputJPEGQuality 90
#hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr
#hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression LZW
#hugin_outputStacksMinOverlap 0.7
#hugin_outputLayersExposureDiff 0.5
#hugin_optimizerMasterSwitch 0
#hugin_optimizerPhotoMasterSwitch 21
Code: [Select]
# makefile for panorama stitching, created by hugin using the new makefilelib

# Tool configuration

# Project parameters

# options for the programs
ENBLEND_OPTS= -f3000x1500
EXIFTOOL_COPY_ARGS=-ImageDescription -Make -Model -Artist -WhitePoint -Copyright -GPS:all -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -UserComment -ColorSpace -OwnerName -SerialNumber
EXIFTOOL_INFO_ARGS='-Software=Hugin 2013.0.0.4692917e7a55' '-UserComment<$${UserComment}&\#xa;Projection: Rectilinear (0)&\#xa;FOV: 179 x 178&\#xa;Ev: 0.00' -f

# the output panorama
LDR_REMAPPED_PREFIX=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B
LDR_REMAPPED_PREFIX_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B
HDR_STACK_REMAPPED_PREFIX=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_
HDR_STACK_REMAPPED_PREFIX_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_
LDR_EXPOSURE_REMAPPED_PREFIX=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_
LDR_EXPOSURE_REMAPPED_PREFIX_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_
PROJECT_FILE=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B.pto
PROJECT_FILE_SHELL=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B.pto
LDR_BLENDED=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B.tif
LDR_BLENDED_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B.tif
LDR_STACKED_BLENDED=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_fused.tif
LDR_STACKED_BLENDED_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_fused.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYERS_FUSED=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_blended_fused.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYERS_FUSED_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_blended_fused.tif
HDR_BLENDED=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr.exr
HDR_BLENDED_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr.exr

# first input image
INPUT_IMAGE_1=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff
INPUT_IMAGE_1_SHELL=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff

# all input images
INPUT_IMAGES=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff\
/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ B.tiff
INPUT_IMAGES_SHELL=/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff\
/home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ B.tiff

# remapped images
LDR_LAYERS=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0001.tif
LDR_LAYERS_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0001.tif

# remapped images (hdr)
HDR_LAYERS=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000.exr\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001.exr
HDR_LAYERS_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000.exr\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001.exr

# remapped maxval images
HDR_LAYERS_WEIGHTS=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000_gray.pgm\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001_gray.pgm
HDR_LAYERS_WEIGHTS_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000_gray.pgm\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001_gray.pgm

# stacked hdr images
HDR_STACK_0=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_stack_hdr_0000.exr
HDR_STACK_0_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_stack_hdr_0000.exr
HDR_STACK_0_INPUT=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000.exr\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001.exr
HDR_STACK_0_INPUT_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000.exr\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001.exr

# number of image sets with similar exposure
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_0000.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_0000.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_INPUT=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_INPUT_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_INPUT_PTMENDER=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0001.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_INPUT_PTMENDER_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0001.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYERS_REMAPPED=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif
LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYERS_REMAPPED_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif

# stacked ldr images
LDR_STACK_0=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_stack_ldr_0000.tif
LDR_STACK_0_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_stack_ldr_0000.tif
LDR_STACK_0_INPUT=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif
LDR_STACK_0_INPUT_SHELL=Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif\
Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif

all : startStitching $(LDR_BLENDED)

startStitching :
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Stitching panorama'
@echo '==========================================================================='

clean :
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Remove temporary files'
@echo '==========================================================================='

test :
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Testing programs'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo -n 'Checking nona...'
@-$(NONA) --help > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo '[OK]' || echo '[FAILED]'
@echo -n 'Checking enblend...'
@-$(ENBLEND) -h > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo '[OK]' || echo '[FAILED]'
@echo -n 'Checking enfuse...'
@-$(ENFUSE) -h > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo '[OK]' || echo '[FAILED]'
@echo -n 'Checking hugin_hdrmerge...'
@-$(HDRMERGE) -h > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo '[OK]' || echo '[FAILED]'
@echo -n 'Checking exiftool...'
@-$(EXIFTOOL) -ver > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo '[OK]' || echo '[FAILED]'

info :
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo '***************  Panorama makefile generated by Hugin       ***************'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'System information'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo -n 'Operating system: '
@-uname -o
@echo -n 'Release: '
@-uname -r
@echo -n 'Kernel version: '
@-uname -v
@echo -n 'Machine: '
@-uname -m
@echo 'Disc usage'
@-df -h
@echo 'Memory usage'
@-free -m
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Output options'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Hugin Version: 2013.0.0.4692917e7a55'
@echo 'Project file: /home/butch/Desktop/Third Grade A - Third Grade B.pto'
@echo 'Output prefix: Third Grade A - Third Grade B'
@echo 'Projection: Rectilinear (0)'
@echo 'Field of view: 179 x 178'
@echo 'Canvas dimensions: 3000 x 1500'
@echo 'Crop area: (0,0) - (3000,1500)'
@echo 'Output exposure value: 0.00'
@echo 'Output stacks minimum overlap: 0.700'
@echo 'Output layers maximum Ev difference: 0.50'
@echo 'Selected outputs'
@echo 'Normal panorama'
@echo '* Blended panorama'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Input images'
@echo '==========================================================================='
@echo 'Number of images in project file: 2'
@echo 'Number of active images: 2'
@echo 'Image 0: /home/butch/Desktop/Third Grade A.tiff'
@echo 'Image 0: Size 5072x7019, Exposure: 0.00'
@echo 'Image 1: /home/butch/Desktop/Third Grade B.tiff'
@echo 'Image 1: Size 5072x7019, Exposure: 0.00'

# Rules for ordinary TIFF_m and hdr output

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0000.tif : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0000.exr : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B0001.tif : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ B.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_hdr_0001.exr : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ B.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

# Rules for exposure layer output

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0000.tif : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ A.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

Third\ Grade\ A\ -\ Third\ Grade\ B_exposure_layers_0001.tif : /home/butch/Desktop/Third\ Grade\ B.tiff $(PROJECT_FILE)

# Rules for LDR and HDR stack merging, a rule for each stack

-$(EXIFTOOL) -overwrite_original_in_place -TagsFromFile $(INPUT_IMAGE_1_SHELL) $(EXIFTOOL_COPY_ARGS) $(LDR_STACK_0_SHELL)



-$(EXIFTOOL) -overwrite_original_in_place -TagsFromFile $(INPUT_IMAGE_1_SHELL) $(EXIFTOOL_COPY_ARGS) $(LDR_EXPOSURE_LAYER_0_SHELL)




$(LDR_REMAPPED_PREFIX)_multilayer.tif : $(LDR_LAYERS)


$(LDR_REMAPPED_PREFIX)_multilayer.psd : $(LDR_LAYERS)
PTtiff2psd -o $(LDR_REMAPPED_PREFIX_SHELL)_multilayer.psd $(LDR_LAYERS_SHELL)

General Discussion / GUI improvements feature request
« Last post by klausmayer on October 25, 2016, 01:08:01  »
I have just updated to the latest version and would like to provide some feedback regarding lost functionality since the 2012 version which is quite time consuming for heavy users.

In older versions lens positions, lens parameters and photometric parameters could be modified on the same window after selecting an image. In recent versions I have to open a pop-up window for image variables each time I want to change a parameter for an image. This tripled the amount of mouse clicks needed to manually adjust parameters.

May I suggest to change the variable text boxes in the Advanced and Expert views so that image variables can be changed directly by direct input into the variable text box instead of having to open a pop-up window?

Panos are just a hobby for me but I consider myself a heavy user with well over 1,500 panos stitched with Hugin. I always recommended Hugin and continued to use it despite having also a commercial alternative but the GUI really has lost quite a bit of user friendliness for people who stitch a lot and know exactly what they want to do. Older GUIs were also more intuitive for newbies because you had only to go through the tabs from left to right to learn about the workflow.

Anyway, just a suggestion, I can go back to the older version to maintain my throughput but Hugin is such a great package that I would like to see at least the Advanced or Expert views being focused more on quick processing than nice appearance.
C / Re: structure learning
« Last post by Olivia Mahaux on September 13, 2016, 15:37:11  »
Thanks this is exactly what I was missing. I am able to do it now  :D
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