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RHUGIN / Problem running RHugin using latest version of HUGIN
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on April 20, 2020, 10:40:31  »
The RHugin plugin ( searches for the HUGIN installation is a specific location. This location is no longer used to install HUGIN software.

Here is how to solve the issue on the Windows platform:

RHugin tries to locate the Hugin installation, but fails because the naming of the Hugin directory has changed.  Try the following workaround:
  • Start a “Command Prompt” with “Run as Administartor” privileges.
  • CD to the directory that contains the Hugin installation ("C:\Program Files\Hugin Expert").
  • Run this command: mklink /D "Hugin Researcher 8.8 (x64)" "HUGIN 8.8 (x64)"

Notice the Hugin/HUGIN distinction in the mklink-command.

Then follow the instructions for installing the RHugin package.
Thank you
P(e) is the probability of the evidence. E.g., if you have entered X=x and Y=y (assuming discrete nodes), then P(e)=P(X=x,Y=y).

It is calculated as the normalization constant after propagation of evidence in the junction tree.

General Discussion / What does P(e) stands for and How does Hugin calculates it?
« Last post by utkarshani on February 26, 2020, 19:27:07  »
What does P(e) stand for and How does Hugin calculate it?
FAQ / Re: How can I use HUGIN in Matlab?
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on February 06, 2020, 20:08:03  »
Due to an update in Matlab (version 2018a), the access to enums has changed. The above code should be updated to something like this:

Code: [Select]

ghapi = NET.addAssembly ('C:\Program Files\Hugin Expert\HUGIN 8.8 (x64)\HDE8.8CS\Lib\hugincs-8.8-2.0-x64.dll');
myEquilibirumEnumHandle = ghapi.AssemblyHandle.GetType('HAPI.Domain+Equilibrium');
myEvidenceModeEnumHandle2 = ghapi.AssemblyHandle.GetType('HAPI.Domain+EvidenceMode');

d = HAPI.Domain ('C:\Program Files\Hugin Expert\HUGIN 8.8 (x64)\Samples\', HAPI.DefaultClassParseListener);
L = d.GetNodeByName ('L');
d.Compile ();
L.GetBelief (0)
%ans =
%    0.0550
L.GetBelief (1)
%ans =
%    0.9450

X = d.GetNodeByName ('X');
X.SelectState (0);
d.Propagate (myEquilibirumEnumHandle.GetEnumValues().Get(1), myEvidenceModeEnumHandle2.GetEnumValues().Get(0));
L.GetBelief (0)
% %ans =
% %    0.4887
 L.GetBelief (1)
% %ans =
% %    0.5113
FAQ / CLI install documentation HUGIN 8.7
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on October 18, 2019, 09:59:10  »
The following command-line is known to work (April 2019):

msiexec /i HuginDist87(x64).msi /L*v SilentInstallation.log /quiet PATH_LICENSE="C:\TMP\LICENSE-8.7"

A couple of words on the installation:
  • The PATH_LICENSE is of course the path to the location of the HUGIN License file.
  • The .MSI file does not perform a cryptographic check of the License Key - only a shallow sanity check. The deep check is performed every time HUGIN is launched. Therefore you must launch HUGIN to be sure that everything is working properly.
  • The .MSI file will write the license to the location: C:\ProgramData\Hugin Expert. If anything goes wrong, the file can be manually copied to this location.
HUGIN GUI Discussion / Re: Temporal Nodes
« Last post by MarcoGV on October 10, 2019, 16:47:16  »
Dear Anders,

Thank you!

Best regards,

HUGIN GUI Discussion / Re: Temporal Nodes
« Last post by Anders L Madsen on October 08, 2019, 21:38:31  »
Dear Marco,

The number of time slices is set under "Network->Network Properties->DBN".

Hope this helps
HUGIN GUI Discussion / Temporal Nodes
« Last post by MarcoGV on October 08, 2019, 17:48:51  »
Dear all,

I have been to use temporal nodes in Hugin 8.1 and 8.4.  I do not see a way to specify the number of slices: I get five slices, and that is it.  I suspect that there is a way to change this number, but I cannot see how.  Any help or advice will be welcome.

Best regards,

Hello Raymond,

I assume that you by now have realised that "our" HUGIN is a tool for probabilistic graphical models and not images.

Sorry for the belated reply.

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