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Messages - mortenaagaard

Pages: [1]
Hej Hugin!
Findes der gode restauranter i Brovst i nærheden af stranden?
Ud over Svinkløv Badehotel?


Morten Aagaard

Hi Hugin!
The colors of the nodes is to me quite restricted.
64 different colors that all are close to what is called "signalcolors" in danish.

In the .oobn file colors are numbered from 0 to 64. HUGIN numbering.

I have tried to modify the color number of selfdefined colors above 64, but the node turned white.

Can I in any way go beyond the 64 color boundary?


Morten Aagaard
Aalborg University

HUGIN GUI Discussion / Re: Expressionbuilder#&%###!!!! simple question
« on: February 24, 2011, 13:00:45  »
Thanks, Martin.
The example have been enlightning. I missed at first that the variables of example 1 should be type "numbered".



HUGIN GUI Discussion / Expressionbuilder#&%###!!!! simple question
« on: February 20, 2011, 13:48:14  »
Hi Hugin folks,
I do believe my IQ is ok, at least average.
Nevertheless I cannot figure out writing one expresssion with or without the expression builder!

Can you submit 5-10 examples of expressions can is syntactically correct and returns valuable results.

The example used could be one of the often used: ABC or the car does not start. Or what ever.

Thanks in advance.

Morten Aagaard

Thank you. I apologize for your inconvinience.
It was a good answer.

Morten Aagaard

Hi Hugin-team!
I have carefully followed the instructions in the manual "" how to construct the example "". The instructions works perfect, but the application fails with a general errormessage "Parse: An error occurred during parsing. If a parse error handling function was specified, it will have been called a description of the error and its location in the source."

The examples I run works perfectly within Hugin environment and I have tried obbn, net and hkb.

Thanks in advance.

I use Hugin 6.9 and Visual Studio 2005 and C# with SP2(I believe)

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