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Messages - ykchen

Pages: [1]
C++ / Re: Remove one node from exist network
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:47:40  »
I have found that. Sorry. Thanks all the same.

C++ / Remove one node from exist network
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:13:35  »
I have a set of (*.net) files, and I want to remove several nodes for each file.
But I can not find the suitable function.
Is this kind of function exist?

C++ / Re: 64 bit version
« on: July 02, 2012, 13:11:50  »
Thank you very much for the detailed reply.
I think I know how to proceed now.

C++ / 64 bit version
« on: July 01, 2012, 23:26:59  »
Dear Hugin

I am using Hugin API(C++) 7.0. In order to run my program on a server which has 64 bit OS, I may need 64 bit DLLs (is this really necessary?).  [The symptom is that the program runs well on my laptop (32 bit OS), while after any calling to API, the program crashed. hugincpp-7.0-vc* is in the same folder as the program.]

Currently, I can not find them in Lib folder.
I am wondering whether a newer version is required or there is a 64-bit (v 7.0) is already available. 
Thank you very much.

C++ / Re: warning: no potential data specified
« on: August 02, 2010, 20:25:13  »
Got it. Thank you very much.

C++ / warning: no potential data specified
« on: August 02, 2010, 16:21:25  »
I have such kind of warning when I load a net file.
I'd like to know how can fix it?
[It just a warning, the result is OK, but i still want to fix it.]
Thank you.

C++ / Re: domain.compile
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:56:11  »
Good to know this. Thank you very much.

C++ / Re: domain.compile
« on: July 30, 2010, 23:15:32  »
Hello Frank.
Thanks again.
It seems that I have fixed it. But I am not sure about this.

The main task of the function in trouble is change the number of state and update the corresponding CPTs in order to keep the joint distribution unchanged.  They are "static" operations.
But before and after this function, I need to get some node's belief and utility, i called them "dynamic" ones.

My solution is that uncompile the net at the begining and compile it again at the end.  
That is, the net will be uncompiled if the change is coming, and be compiled again after the modification.  

Could you please tell me that is it a reasonable way to use  Hugin API?  I found there is a "Edit" and "Compile" button in GUI. Thank you.

Good night and enjoy the rest of the summer.


C++ / Re: domain.compile
« on: July 30, 2010, 16:39:16  »
The Domain.compile() method only has two usage conditions:

(1) The domain must not already be compiled.

(2) The domain must contain at least one (chance or decision) node.

Thank you for you reply.  
1.The domain is comiled when i load the net file.
2.There are more than 1 node.

This problem is depanding on the input, and I am sure that there is a bug in my program.

And, If I save the net as a file before the compile or propagate. Then load it and do the following task. Everything is OK.
There is no inconsistent evidence [on evidence entered till then].

C++ / Re: domain.compile
« on: July 30, 2010, 16:22:37  »
what i did is :
1. change the number of state
2. change the cpts
In a word, edit the net.
not only compile,  propagate will induce the same exception as well.  [i didn't set any evidence. ]

Unhandled exception at 0x75c29617 in IDID.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: HAPI::ExceptionUsage at memory location 0x0012f70c..
Unhandled exception at 0x75c29617 in IDID.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: HAPI::ExceptionNotCompiled at memory location 0x0012f954..

C++ / domain.compile
« on: July 30, 2010, 15:34:39  »
Hello, Hugin Experts

Could you please tell me that in which kind of situation, I can get a exception says:"HAPI::ExceptionUsage at memory location" when I calling domain.compile.

I got such kind of error depending on the various input.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]