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Topics - ykchen

Pages: [1]
C++ / Remove one node from exist network
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:13:35  »
I have a set of (*.net) files, and I want to remove several nodes for each file.
But I can not find the suitable function.
Is this kind of function exist?

C++ / 64 bit version
« on: July 01, 2012, 23:26:59  »
Dear Hugin

I am using Hugin API(C++) 7.0. In order to run my program on a server which has 64 bit OS, I may need 64 bit DLLs (is this really necessary?).  [The symptom is that the program runs well on my laptop (32 bit OS), while after any calling to API, the program crashed. hugincpp-7.0-vc* is in the same folder as the program.]

Currently, I can not find them in Lib folder.
I am wondering whether a newer version is required or there is a 64-bit (v 7.0) is already available. 
Thank you very much.

C++ / warning: no potential data specified
« on: August 02, 2010, 16:21:25  »
I have such kind of warning when I load a net file.
I'd like to know how can fix it?
[It just a warning, the result is OK, but i still want to fix it.]
Thank you.

C++ / domain.compile
« on: July 30, 2010, 15:34:39  »
Hello, Hugin Experts

Could you please tell me that in which kind of situation, I can get a exception says:"HAPI::ExceptionUsage at memory location" when I calling domain.compile.

I got such kind of error depending on the various input.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]